What’s the schedule of a typical day and do you run year-round?

Children arrive between 8 :30 and 9:15...circle time begins at 10:30...the children may choose any indoor activity between 11 and 11:30...then children may play outside or continue to finish their activities inside until story time and lunch at 12:30. Pickup is 1:30. Extended care goes until 3:30 for some children.

Our program runs 10 months out of the year, with Summer swim camp from end of June to end of July and no school in august. Our holiday and school calendar follows Berkeley Unified school district’s closely. First day of school usually lands around late august/ early september.

What really sets the school apart?

The commitment to bring experiences from cultures all over the world to the children through songs, stories, food and traditional celebrations. There are rotating seasonal units, weekly cooking projects, gardening, and a dance and art specialists.

What schools do graduates go on to attend?

Our students go on to attend Private and public schools.

What is the school’s illness policy?

A child with a fever may not attend school and they must wait 24 hours after a communicable disease has been diagnosed and treated before returning to school. a Covid-19 potential exposure and/or diagnosis requires a 10-14 day quarantine.

Are there any areas for outdoor play and learning? How often do children engage in outdoor activities, field trips, etc.?

Yes, the children are free to play outdoors 8:30 - 10:00AM...then after circle time 11:15AM to 12PM. And IT is an option during extended day program, 1:30-3:30pm.

How involved are parents in the school and how much do they typically participate?

Parents are invited to make presentations to the children at circle time.

How are children disciplined?

In both academic and social emotional work, we have a child-centered approach. The children are separated from the group and talk face to face to one of the teachers and any other child who may be involved.

Are there any school pets?

None a this time. But in the past we’ve had Fish, a rabbit, and a cat.

Tuition Costs

Tuition is collected in 10 monthly installments of $1300. After school care is extra at $30 an afternoon. Summer Program fees depend on enrollment.

Are any meals provided and are there any nutrition related policies?

The children are provided a morning snack of organic apples and Lundberg organic rice cakes. For special holidays, traditional foods are often served.

What is the school's facility like?

ground floor of a classic Berkeley craftsman home, outdoor deck, as well as Front and backyard spaces.

License Info

013423597 Family Child Care (Large)